30/10 Announcement for HOME Centre YTM Outstanding Kids and Youths Award
List of Awardees for HOME Centre YTM Outstanding Kids and Youths Award
12-24 years old
1. The Best Achiever Award - Sweta Rana
2. The Best Improvement Award -Maryam Sajjad

6-11 years old
1. The Best Achiever Award- Gurung Leslie
2. The Best Improvement Award- Muniba Waqar Ahmed

3-5 years old
1. The Best Improvement- Iqra Waqa

Congratulation to the above kids and youths!  Miss Sehrish and Miss Demuna will give you a call for coming to centre to get the certificate and $50 Stationery and Book Coupon. 

Parenting Workshop:Stop Playing Online Games?Stop using internet (Nov 2016) YTM
30/10 Announcement for HOME Centre YTM Outstanding Kids and Youths Award
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