2023 Policy Address - New Initiatives to Support Ethnic Minorities

The Chief Executive has just announced in his 2023 Policy Address today a comprehensive package of new initiatives to further enhance the support for ethnic minorities on various fronts, including integration into the community, education, employment, social welfare and health. For more details, you may wish to refer to paragraph 132 of the full text of the Policy Address at https://www.policyaddress.gov.hk/2023/en/policy.html.
In respect of integration into the community, the key initiatives include setting up two new support service centres for ethnic minorities (EM centres) in Kowloon Central and New Territories East, bring the total number of EM centres to 10; establishing a "Care Team for Ethnic Minorities" in each of the 10 EM centres; continuing to strengthen services to EM youths and new arrivals and organise activities at district level to promote racial harmony. Extract of page relevant to the new supporting initiatives to EMs are attached.

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